Tag Archives: herb

Garden Update: June 15

15 Jun

Summer is still cranking away over here and so are my veggies. I’ve realized that I blog much more often when I don’t try to write 1,000 word missives, so I’m going to keep this garden update short and sweet… kind of like my adorable strawberries!

Strawberries: A+ These little guys are doing great. We’re getting strawberries at about 1 a day, which doesn’t exactly make for any thrilling strawberry meals, but hey. You don’t see me complaining. I’ve also realized that I’ve completely forgotten to blog our vanilla/strawberry/shortbread summertime loveliness. This week, I promise!

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Garden Update: June 1

1 Jun

Ahh, it’s June! And with June, means summer! And with summer means VEGGIES! (Yes, I realize I live in the Bay Area, where summer is another 3 months away, but try telling my sun tanned arms and my monstrous pea plants that!) Your intrepid gardener is here to report on her gardening endeavors, and she must say, things are good. Very good. You’ll notice a change in theme in a few of the following photos. Sure, we’ve got plenty of photos of plants for ya. But I know what you really came to see – some fruits and veggies! Take a look below for the start of a very lovely harvest.

Strawberries: A+ One. Two. Three. Count them – three beautiful strawberries! There would’ve been five, but some dirty rotten rats ate the other two. Don’t worry, they’re being “taken care of” as we speak. I used these little beauts in my all-time favorite summertime dessert – vanilla frozen yogurt, fresh strawberries and shortbread. Recipe to come, very very soon. The rest of my little ruby babies are looking good, growing happily in the sun, so hopefully we will have plenty more of these glamour shots as the season wears on! Continue reading

Garden Update: May 15

16 May

We…have…liftoff! Finally, finally, after two months of fighting the weather and the slimy beasty-beasts, we are really, truly getting there with the garden. I was looking back on my past garden updates, and feeling proud. My babies are growing up! They’re out in the wide world all by themselves and they’re making it, they’re really making it! Ok, cheesefest is over now.

Anyway, we’re gaining some major traction, and lots to report on all fronts. I think the best way to do this is with a grading system. (Also, sorry for some out of focus photos – it was raining out, so I employed a “shoot and run” approach, to mixed results.)

Strawberries: A+ They’ve grown a ton, and have at least a dozen little green strawberries on them, the biggest about the size of the tip of my thumb. There’s plenty of flowers left, so I have a feeling they’re not stopping anytime soon. PS – how funny is this photo? The big strawberry is just barely turning red, but right now it looks like it has a big case of strawberry acne. Ahhh, garden humor. I love it. Continue reading