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First tomato of the season

4 Jul

20130704-104157.jpg (not the first aperol spritz of the season, though.)

May Garden Update

10 Jun

Well, yes it is June 10. But better late than never, right?

It’s amazing what a garden can do in a short month with plenty of sun. After battling the shade all last year, I’m glad we sprung for building a raised bed on the sunny side of our house. For the most part, the plants are loving it!

I say for the most part – my Berkeley self thought it wasn’t too late to plant cool weather spring plants like spinach, peas and lettuce. Our new house gets HOT. Every day. So, some of these plants aren’t so thrilled with me. Also, the peas gotten eaten by snails. Again. But unlike last year, the snails won in the end. Ah well, at least my tomatoes and butternut squash are looking delicious already!

Without further ado, I give you – the tour!

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Hello, lovely

18 May

I know I’ve been remiss in giving timely garden updates. But suffice to say, things are going well:

Our first radish! Many more to come, shortly.

Let’s get this (garden) party started!

20 Apr

The whole family has been quite busy the last two weekends. Multiple trips to home depot and OSH, and we ended up with this:

A 3×12 raised garden bed on the side of the house. While it wasn’t cheap (around $300, including plants and seeds)  I think we’ll be much happier with it in the long run than our alternate spot in the back of the yard (there wasn’t enough sun.)

We basically bought a couple hinge sets from Home Depot and then 5 pieces of 12′ redwood lumber. we splurged on that because we heard pressure treated kind had nasty chemicals that could leach. Redwood is also naturally rot resistant, so it should stand up for quite a while.

The next weekend, it was dirt time. This was probably the most expensive and unfulfilling part. We used about 24 big bags (2 cubic feet) of dirt. On the plus side, we now know that the most large bags of dirt we can fit in the back of our hatchback is 17.

Once it was filled, we went back to OSH to do the fun part – picking out plants.

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My strawberries are sadists

4 Apr

Thinking my strawberries were annuals. I’ve completely ignored them, abused them and starved them. My abhorrent behavior has been rewarded with this:


Spring has sprung!
* I realize that technically my strawberries are masochists, but that didn’t have nearly as nice of a ring to it, now did it?